That WE would be one...

"I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." Jesus

Friday, April 8, 2011

Observations from a 'visitor'

Over the course of the past couple of months I have been overwhelmed by similar experiences in each of the dozen or so church families I’ve worshipped with.  Here are a few observations.  I pray they encourage you as they have me

·      The ‘Buzz of Love & Laughter’
I enjoy the moments I find myself alone, almost invisible – an observer of the life surrounding me in any given fellowship. 
I have fallen in love with the familiar soundtrack:
The quiet prayers, serious ‘adult’ conversations, and business of deciding where to go for lunch overlaying the ‘nice to meet you!’ and questions of not-yet friends all intertwined with the laughter of familiar families and friends  interrupted only by the child protesting the start of another conversation with an insistent ‘Moooommmmm…’
How brilliant that must be to the Father – hearing His kids, no matter their earthly age – laughing and desiring to linger with one another. 
Stand back and listen this Sunday…that soundtrack plays out in over 250 church family gatherings around our city ever week.  It’s priceless.

·      Humilty & Service
One of the perks of my job is working with servant leaders from church families across Anchorage.  I am humbled by the way individuals from every denomination, ministry, and background have been more than willing to listen to and support one another.
Be encouraged to know that from pastors to lay-leaders, the majority of the Servants of the Most High God I’ve been privileged to meet and work with are very quick to listen and willing to lay aside their own agenda to help others, to train the next generation, and see God glorified.

·      Testimony
Great news!  God REALLY IS moving Anchorage!
Pastors & teachers are hearing His voice and sharing what He puts on their hearts every weekend in your city.
Stories of God’s goodness, mercy, and redemption are being shared.
Faithful servants are caring for children, training up youth and modeling what it is to live like a Servant Leader.
God is providing resources and networks to bless His church.

Would you love to see all of this and more in action?

1.     Choose a Sunday and visit another church.  (yes, you can double dip – head to another service after your regular church visit)
2.     Sunday visits too much?  Visit another church’s website & listen to a message online
3.     Pray! Pray for your Pastor…and that church that you pass by on the way to work, your mom’s house, the store – whatever. 
4.     Join us for the Citywide Good Friday Service – over 15 churches (so far) are participating in some way.   More information at:

If I haven’t yet, I’ll see you soon…at ‘your’ church or another – I look forward to worshipping with you!