WILD = Willingly Invested in Leadership Development
What happens when a dozen children’s pastors from several churches and ministries get together?
Laughter…a lot of it (Of course!)
Creativity…a lot of it (Of course!)
Collaboration - real, practical, effective collaborative effort…a lot of it.
For the past six months pastors and leaders representing ministries of various sizes and denominational backgrounds have been meeting to learn from one another. There was no agenda other than to build relationship and encourage one another.
(I'm not a children's pastor, but they let me attend anyway. Being a 'fly on the wall' for these meetings has been fantastic. It is beautiful to watch these men and women share their experiences, challenges, ideas, resources and prayer.)
This diverse group identified a common need very early on – quality training for volunteers. Everyone WANTS to equip their teams with all they need to keep them and the children they serve safe, as well as to provide them tools to be as effective as possible. Finding time and energy to accomplish that is a challenge for everyone - no matter what ministry you call 'home.'
These leaders decided to collaborate and provide a training day to address key issues that any children’s volunteer in the city would benefit from. The first W.I.L.D. (Willingly Invested in Leadership Development) Children’s Ministry Training Conference was held at Faith Christian Community on September 24th. More than 120 volunteers from several local churches attended this free event.
The passion of the group was expressed by three of the pastors who lead the general session:
"Kids need to hear, be discipled, and grown up in the faith. Someone did it for us, we need to pass this on..." Stu Karpiuk
"We can all remember specific teachers we had who made a real difference for us. As a matter of fact, I just found out that one of our presenters today was my teacher years ago. You may only have an hour on Sunday, but you can make a big difference in that hour...you may see one of 'your kids' leading in ministry someday." Shane Paulsen
"Leadership implies destination, Jesus is our destination. Our job is to lead others to a closer relationship with Christ." Dan Krause
All attendees were part of a general session on Safety Training from Dr. Eileen Star, Executive Director of Alaska Christian Ministries. While this is a difficult topic, all those involved in the planning of this event agreed that it was essential. Dr. Star, who has decades of experience serving the children and families in Anchorage, did a magnificent job with this portion of the training. For some present, it was the first time they had ever received any training: "This really opened my eyes,I didn't realize that this could also happen in churches. I know now that I should be careful what I do."
Participants then chose two of several options for breakout sessions:
First & Next Steps (Talking to kids about salvation and baptism)
Scripture Memorization
Classroom Discipline
Nursery Workers Panel
How to Take a Lesson From Good to Great
The broad representation from several churches and ministries – both in planning and providing instruction in the main session and workshops - made this event rich.
Several churches took advantage of the opportunity to have lunch and church-specific training that same afternoon. Feedback from the event has been very positive and plans are already in the works for next year’s training day.
In the meantime, this group of children’s pastors and ministry leaders will continue to meet monthly for laughter, encouragement and prayer. Are you involved in children’s ministry? Check with your ministry’s leadership and make sure that they are plugged in – we were created for community and this group is a beautiful expression of that!
For more information on WILD, click here. To receive information about the meeting schedule for children's pastors and ministry leaders, please contact Church of Anchorage.