That WE would be one...

"I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." Jesus

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chapel By The Sea

I often tell my family and friends in the Lower 48 that I live in a postcard.  My time at Chapel By The Sea cemented that belief even more.  There is a wall-length window in the chapel that overlooks Turnagain Arm.  There is nothing quite like sitting in a pew in a beautiful chapel being led into worship by a choir.  The entire campus seems to be covered in peace.

The bulletin and weekly publication are very informative and answer a lot of questions a first time visitor (me) or regular attendee may have.  There is no way you can walk out without knowing what is going on at the Chapel during the coming week and beyond.  Bible studies, youth meetings, etc are all listed along with information about upcoming events for outside ministries.  It was great to see a listing of the local ministries and international missionaries that this body supports and partners with listed.  I was familiar with some, and had some new things to ‘google,’ as well. 

The Chapel choir led us in worship, both traditional and more modern selections, and then one of my favorite parts of the service – “Praying For One Another.”   An elder asked if anyone had any prayer requests.  People stood and shared their requests one at a time and then another member volunteered to immediately lead the congregation in a prayer for that one request.  It was a sweet time when this family’s care for one another was evident.   Then, the scripture reading…I haven’t been asked to stand for the reading of God’s Word in awhile.  This simple act struck me and reminded me all over again how Holy His Word is, and what an honor it is to have it available to us.

Pastor Tim Davis is a smart man and a very good teacher.  I enjoyed his message and was challenged by it, as well.  I appreciated what he shared about differences in our expressions of worship, prayer, liturgy, message delivery style, etc. from gathering to gathering across town.  He made the point that that’s all they are – differences, not better or worse – just different.  That is a great perspective and reminder. 

At the conclusion of the message, a missionary supported by Chapel by the Sea shared a report on her efforts over the past years along with a little vision casting for her immediate future.  Amazing to note that this church has been supporting her parents for over 35 years…that’s longer than this missionary has been alive.  That is long-term investment, and what sweet evidence of fruit…another generation dedicating her life to Him.  I’ve never heard of that happening before.  (Thank you for your faithfulness.  Well done, Chapel By The Sea!)

I went on a walking tour of the campus after service.  It is beautiful.  There is a home available for missionaries on furlough, traveling speakers, etc.  Other buildings and homes on campus function as classrooms, a parsonage, a caretaker’s home, and are also used for Bible studies, small group meetings, etc.  While the van from the blood bank isn’t there every weekend, but it was fantastic to see a line of folks waiting to donate and serve their community in this practical way.  Chapel By The Sea is in the midst of some building projects, so the layout will change a bit in future years.  Oh bummer…I’ll have to go back… ;)

Thanks for a great visit, family!  I was blessed and encourage and pray His richest blessings on you.

Chapel By The Sea
14730 Turnagain Bluff Way
Service Times:
8AM & 11AM, Sunday School 9:30-10:30AM

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The ONE Church in Anchorage, AK

I recently left my job as Communications Director at ChangePoint Church (Anchorage, Alaska) to fill a similar position at a para church ministry, Churches of Anchorage.  I am doing exactly what I have dreamt of for years. 

In John 17:20-21, Jesus prays: “I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”  Churches of Anchorage is all about answering the prayer of Jesus.  That’s no small task.  As my wise friend says, “whenever you put any two people together you have an issue with unity.”  That’s true.  If Jesus prayed it, it’s important and worth the effort.  What an honor to have the opportunity to be a part of something that seeks to answer His prayer. 

I love the Church.  There is nothing like being in His Presence with His people witnessing transformation, restoration, and renewal.  I love the music, the stories, and the messages.  In spite of all of her faults, the church IS His chosen instrument to reach the world.  She is His Bride.  I spend my days trying to serve her – to make her stronger, healthier.  I not only love my job, I’m passionate about it.  I’m jealous to see the vision and mission of Churches of Anchorage realized.

My goal is to visit as many church families in Anchorage as I can.   I am not a typical first-time guest.  I am comfortable with most expressions of worship, and when I walk into any service, it is with an attitude of expectation.  I expect God to speak, I expect to find great people, and I expect to walk out differently than I walked in. 

The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences; not to critique, but to encourage and celebrate the amazing ways God is moving in our city.  Who knows?  Maybe this will inspire others to step out and visit that church “I’ve always wanted to visit…”

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro (New Hope Christian Fellowship, Hawai’i) says that “there is no better classroom than to travel the world and talk to people.”  I’m going to start with the corner of the world He has placed me in and go from there.  I’m looking forward to it!

Bible & pen provided by Steph…bulletins, fliers, coffee and message notes to be added in coming weeks.