That WE would be one...

"I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." Jesus

Friday, October 7, 2011

W.I.L.D. Children's Ministry Conference

WILD = Willingly Invested in Leadership Development

What happens when a dozen children’s pastors from several churches and ministries get together? 

Laughter…a lot of it (Of course!)

Creativity…a lot of it (Of course!)

Collaboration - real, practical, effective collaborative effort…a lot of it.

For the past six months pastors and leaders representing ministries of various sizes and denominational backgrounds have been meeting to learn from one another.  There was no agenda other than to build relationship and encourage one another.  

(I'm not a children's pastor, but they let me attend anyway.  Being a 'fly on the wall' for these meetings has been fantastic.  It is beautiful to watch these men and women share their experiences, challenges, ideas, resources and prayer.)

This diverse group identified a common need very early on – quality training for volunteers.  Everyone WANTS to equip their teams with all they need to keep them and the children they serve safe, as well as to provide them tools to be as effective as possible.  Finding time and energy to accomplish that is a challenge for everyone - no matter what ministry you call 'home.'

These leaders decided to collaborate and provide a training day to address key issues that any children’s volunteer in the city would benefit from.  The first W.I.L.D. (Willingly Invested in Leadership Development) Children’s Ministry Training Conference was held at Faith Christian Community on September 24th.  More than 120 volunteers from several local churches attended this free event.

The passion of the group was expressed by three of the pastors who lead the general session:  
"Kids need to hear, be discipled, and grown up in the faith.  Someone did it for us, we need to pass this on..."  Stu Karpiuk
"We can all remember specific teachers we had who made a real difference for us.  As a matter of fact, I just found out that one of our presenters today was my teacher years ago.  You may only have an hour on Sunday, but you can make a big difference in that may see one of 'your kids' leading in ministry someday."  Shane Paulsen
"Leadership implies destination, Jesus is our destination.  Our job is to lead others to a closer relationship with Christ."  Dan Krause

All attendees were part of a general session on Safety Training from Dr. Eileen Star, Executive Director of Alaska Christian Ministries.  While this is a difficult topic, all those involved in the planning of this event agreed that it was essential.  Dr. Star, who has decades of experience serving the children and families in Anchorage, did a magnificent job with this portion of the training.  For some present, it was the first time they had ever received any training: "This really opened my eyes,I didn't realize that this could also happen in churches. I know now that I should be careful what I do."

Participants then chose two of several options for breakout sessions:

First & Next Steps (Talking to kids about salvation and baptism)
Scripture Memorization
Classroom Discipline
Nursery Workers Panel
How to Take a Lesson From Good to Great

The broad representation from several churches and ministries – both in planning and providing instruction in the main session and workshops - made this event rich.  

Several churches took advantage of the opportunity to have lunch and church-specific training that same afternoon.  Feedback from the event has been very positive and plans are already in the works for next year’s training day.

In the meantime, this group of children’s pastors and ministry leaders will continue to meet monthly for laughter, encouragement and prayer.  Are you involved in children’s ministry?  Check with your ministry’s leadership and make sure that they are plugged in – we were created for community and this group is a beautiful expression of that!

For more information on WILD, click here.  To receive information about the meeting schedule for children's pastors and ministry leaders, please contact Church of Anchorage.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Citywide Service

"...I pray also for those who will believe in me because of their message.  Father, I pray that all of them will be one, just as you are in me and I am in you.  I want them also to be in us.  Then the world will believe that you have sent me."   John 17:21

The Message translates it... 'so they may be one heart and mind with unified and together as we are, I in them and you in me.  Then they'll be mature in this oneness and give the godless world evidence that you've sent me and loved them in the same way that you've loved me.'

One heart and mind - as unified and together as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Amazing.   

Have you ever experienced it?  I believe we experienced it, to some degree, at this year's Citywide Good Friday Service. Allow me to share a little glimpse from 'backstage'

Consider this:
Photo compliments of:
Christian Anderson

The choir had representatives from 8 churches.  They had two rehearsals to meet one another, and SING.

Photo compliments of:
Christian Anderson

The band was comprised of representatives from 5 churches. Many of them had never met one another, let alone played together before.

It was a privilege to see these men pour themselves into rehearsal with hearts of service.  No upstaging, arguing, or awkward tension.  Serving, yielding - excellence.

Did you see the ALL THINGS video?    VIEW VIDEO
Edited by a student at West High (where the service was held)
Audio track from a local worship pastor
Scripture in languages from all but one of our planet's continents
Read by Anchorage residents representing several churches

The most repeated phrase from everyone involved: "Tell what you need."

The second most-repeated phrase:  "How can I help?  Anything.  Just name it."

From everyone - Senior Pastors to prayer partners to ushers and choir members.

Amazing hearts and talent offered in worship

Countless hours devoted to honoring Christ's work on the cross

2,000 people representing dozens of churches attended:

Photo Compliments of: Christian Anderson
It IS miraculous to behold believers coming together.
Something special happens when we gather together in unity to worship the King.

It's a slice of heaven.  A preview of a the greatest coming attraction.

An answer the prayer of Jesus.

Were you there?  Thank you!  Did you serve?  Thank you!
Are you ready to do it again?  Please pray.  We are working on plans for the next service, and we will need YOUR prayers and would love for you to be a part!

Consider this:  "God heard Jesus' prayers.  He will answer them all."  ~ Pastor Dick Strutz
I want to be a part of that answer.  Do you?  Really?  What will that look like in your world?

While it is a GREAT start, unity requires much more than citywide worship services.  Being 'mature in oneness' is no small thing.  It requires relationship and work.

Possible starting points:
1. Pray for your pastors and church leadership
2. Pray for the churches you pass on your way to work, the store...quick prayers - 'God, please meet their needs' for example
3. Take one Sunday this summer and worship at another church - introduce yourself to the Pastor and thank him (or her) for sharing God's Word faithfully in our city
4. Look at other church's websites.  Know what is going on and thank God for the diverse ministries in Anchorage

These 4 suggestions aren't the answer, either.  They are a start, though.

God knows who was sitting in each of the chairs (below) at the Good Friday service.
AND...He knows who will be in each one the next time we gather.
Pray for the 1,900 seats surrounding the one you will occupy.  I'll see you there!  
(Scroll down for links to full photo slide shows from the Good Friday Service)

Slideshow 1       Slideshow 2

Friday, April 8, 2011

Observations from a 'visitor'

Over the course of the past couple of months I have been overwhelmed by similar experiences in each of the dozen or so church families I’ve worshipped with.  Here are a few observations.  I pray they encourage you as they have me

·      The ‘Buzz of Love & Laughter’
I enjoy the moments I find myself alone, almost invisible – an observer of the life surrounding me in any given fellowship. 
I have fallen in love with the familiar soundtrack:
The quiet prayers, serious ‘adult’ conversations, and business of deciding where to go for lunch overlaying the ‘nice to meet you!’ and questions of not-yet friends all intertwined with the laughter of familiar families and friends  interrupted only by the child protesting the start of another conversation with an insistent ‘Moooommmmm…’
How brilliant that must be to the Father – hearing His kids, no matter their earthly age – laughing and desiring to linger with one another. 
Stand back and listen this Sunday…that soundtrack plays out in over 250 church family gatherings around our city ever week.  It’s priceless.

·      Humilty & Service
One of the perks of my job is working with servant leaders from church families across Anchorage.  I am humbled by the way individuals from every denomination, ministry, and background have been more than willing to listen to and support one another.
Be encouraged to know that from pastors to lay-leaders, the majority of the Servants of the Most High God I’ve been privileged to meet and work with are very quick to listen and willing to lay aside their own agenda to help others, to train the next generation, and see God glorified.

·      Testimony
Great news!  God REALLY IS moving Anchorage!
Pastors & teachers are hearing His voice and sharing what He puts on their hearts every weekend in your city.
Stories of God’s goodness, mercy, and redemption are being shared.
Faithful servants are caring for children, training up youth and modeling what it is to live like a Servant Leader.
God is providing resources and networks to bless His church.

Would you love to see all of this and more in action?

1.     Choose a Sunday and visit another church.  (yes, you can double dip – head to another service after your regular church visit)
2.     Sunday visits too much?  Visit another church’s website & listen to a message online
3.     Pray! Pray for your Pastor…and that church that you pass by on the way to work, your mom’s house, the store – whatever. 
4.     Join us for the Citywide Good Friday Service – over 15 churches (so far) are participating in some way.   More information at:

If I haven’t yet, I’ll see you soon…at ‘your’ church or another – I look forward to worshipping with you!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Season Christian Center

New Season Christian Center
639 W International Airport Rd, Suite 24
Service Time: Sun 10:30AM

New Season Christian Center is vibrant, life-filled and life-giving – an absolute blessing.  This is one of the friendliest churches I have ever had the honor of attending.  I felt so welcome at ‘at home’ that I forgot that it was my first time attending midway through the service.   What a beautiful reflection of our Father’s open welcoming arms, New Season family! 

The song service was fabulous.  New Season is blessed with a talented group of musicians and worship leaders who did a wonderful job leading.  I am still singing “No more shackles, no more chains, no more bondage, I am free…YEAH” to myself (I don’t sound quite as good, but that’s ok).  To quote Pastor Leonard “I’ve heard a great singer get up and sing a song and I didn’t feel a thing because there was no anointing.”  This was NOT the case here.  It was evident that this worship team was expressing a heart-felt love for the Lord.  (Sidenote: I double dog dare you to attend service and stand still.)

An elder lead a time of intercessory prayer toward the end of the song service.  His openness in sharing about the long years praying for his family struck a chord.  It was especially encouraging to hear that he has seen fruit in recent months and was a great segue to an alter call for a time of intercessory prayer for family members. 

Tithes and offerings are collected at the alter.  This makes giving seem more intentional: you have to get up, go forward and leave your offering.  It was also a great opportunity to greet even more people! 

(Very cool note: New Season is raising funds to purchase new chairs and equipment for their media department to begin broadcasting their services.)

The Bible Confession – Every person in the congregation stands and holds up their Bible and recites / repeats a confession declaring the power in the Word of God and the desire to be alert and receptive to what the Lord is about to do.  I kept my copy in my Bible – a practical way to preach to oneself before feasting on the Word.

Pastor’s message was on forgiveness – giving and receiving.  It was great – timely, applicable, solid.  It was challenging to say the very least…challenging in that, ‘Oh, that’s for me…’ kind of way. 

I cannot overstate the nearly palpable love in the air.  There was a great interaction between Pastor Leonard and his congregation.  He used several individual’s names in his hypothetical examples and kept everyone engaged.  Amens, laughter and expressions of agreement were heard throughout.  It felt like a family conversation.  I was bummed when service concluded…I didn’t want it to end! 

At one point, Pastor Leonard shared an analogy about preparing for a football game versus preparing for worship; we prepare food, wear our jerseys and lose our voices cheering…and we’re not even at the stadium for the game!  How do we prepare to come into the presence of the Lord?  How much preparation do we make?  Are we really entering His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise?  Great word picture and idea to consider!

I visit a lot of churches.  Many of you have said “I have always wanted to go there.  That sounds amazing.  I wish I could go, but I don’t like to miss Sunday with my church family…”  Well, wish no more –

YOU have an opportunity to join the New Season Christian Center family for a special night of worship.  Our brothers and sisters at New Season Christian are currently participating in a 21-day Daniel Fast.  This time of prayer and fasting will culminate in:

Night of Breakthru Worship
Monday, January 24

I’m attending, and I hope to see you there!  (You’re invited…I told Pastor Leonard that I was brining friends!)

Thank you, New Season Christian Center.  Worshiping with you was a blessing and I look forward to joining you again soon.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I received this story in an e-mail and it struck a chord.  I love looking for ways that God is "hiding in plain sight" in my little world.  My dear friend and I are convinced that God is 'flirting' with us, wooing us to fall even more in love with Him.  

Be encouraged to look more intentionally for His Presence in 'your world' today.  You never know where or how He will choose to bless you!
In Washington , D.C ., at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning in 2007, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes.  During that time, approximately 2,000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.  After about 3 minutes, a middle-aged man noticed that there was a musician playing.  He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds, and then he hurried on to meet his schedule.
About 4 minutes later:
  The violinist received his first dollar.  A woman threw money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.
At 6 minutes:

A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.

At 10 minutes:

A 3-year old boy stopped, but his mother tugged him along hurriedly.  The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head the whole time.  This action was repeated by several other children, but every parent - without exception - forced their children to move on quickly.
At 45 minutes:The musician played continuously.  Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while.  About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace.  The man collected a total of $32.
After 1 hour:

He finished playing and silence took over.  No one noticed and no one applauded.  There was no recognition at all.
No one knew this, but the violinist was 
Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world.  He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.  Two days before, Joshua Bell sold-
out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $200 each to sit and listen to him play the same music.

This is a true story.  Joshua Bell, playing incognito in the D.C. Metro Station, was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about 
perception, taste and people's priorities

More information on the Washington Post article and hear Joshua Bell play HERE.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Salvation Army - Church

Sunday School: 9:45 am
Service Time: 11:00 am
Address:  Corner of Old Seward & DeArmoun

What do you think of when you hear ‘Salvation Army’?  Charity?  Social Service?  Bells?  Bands?  Red kettles?  OK…how about blue suits with red badges? 

Good answers.

How about…church?

Not everyone knows that the Salvation Army, in addition to serving the city day in and day out with remarkable charity and social service, the Corps also loves and serves Anchorage by providing a church to call home.  Many of the things traditionally associated with the Corps do play a major role in their service, as well.  (No, no ringing bells or red kettles…)

I entered the beautiful chapel to hear “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” being played by a brass band – instant smile and warm fuzzy Christmas glow.  I appreciated the bulletin which included the order of service – complete with the names of all those involved in various elements of the service AND where to find each song in the songbooks provided in each aisle. 

There was a time of prayer when heartfelt thanks was expressed to God for His provision of food, supplies and many volunteers who delivered meals on Thanksgiving Day.  Petitions were offered and reference was made to the needs listed on the back of the program.  (You may submit requests using a card in the weekly program.  If desired, those needs are listed to guide others in prayer.)

The worship band took over for the second half of the song service and they did a great job, too.  It was wonderful to see that so many people were involved in the Sunday service.  A family from the congregation assisted in the lighting of the first Advent candle and several others were involved in readings, worship, etc.  The greeting time actually shocked me – people circulated (yes…as in they left the comfort of their seats…) to be sure not to miss anyone.  I felt very welcome!

This church family offers classes for children and dismissed kids to join them after the lighting of the Advent Candle and part of the song service. 

Lieutenants Ryan and Marjorie Miller pastor this church and share the teaching responsibilities.  Marjorie shared on this particular Sunday and did a fantastic job! 

I was challenged by a couple of questions she posed:  When does Christmas start for you? and Do you celebrate Christmas the same way every year and expect a different (more worshipful, deep, sentimental, etc) result?” 

The message centered around something that we all know, but probably still struggle with from time to time – we must allow the head knowledge that Christmas is all about Jesus sink down and become heart knowledge.  How?  Worship Jesus.

Don’t worship at the mall.
Don’t try to win the affections of family or friends with gifts.
Don’t stay so busy that you miss the opportunity to sit at His feet.

These were timely reminders the Sunday after “Black Friday” and preceding “Cyber Monday”.

Following the message, Lieutenant Ryan Miller and the band leading us in “O Little Town of Bethlehem.”  We stopped and read verse 3 aloud together before finishing the song:

How silently, how silently

The wondrous gift is given!

So God imparts to human hearts

The blessings of His heaven.

No ear may his His coming,

But in this world of sin,

Where meek souls will receive him still,

The dear Christ enters in.

“If Christ can enter a manger, wherever we are we know that He is with us.”  Beautiful. 

The service ended with announcements about the week’s activities – and there were a lot to list!  Officers prayed with those who requested it after the service.

I found much of what I expected at this church…and was blessed with some surprises.

Stay tuned…a future blog post will outline the services Salvation Army offers in Anchorage with information about how you, your family, small group, or entire church may partner with them.

In the meantime, take time to drop some money in the kettles…you know the ones I’m referring to! 

Would you consider helping out?  2 hours on your choice of day in a location of your choosing will go a LONG way in providing services to countless in our city.  Just click the link and get involved:

Thank you for a wonderful joy and love-filled visit, Salvation Army!